Source code for abl.solver

from import InfoSolverMake
from snek5000.solvers.kth import SimulKTH

[docs]class InfoSolverABL(InfoSolverMake): """Contain the information on a :class:`abl.solver.SimulABL` instance. """ def _init_root(self): super()._init_root() self.module_name = "abl.solver" self.class_name = "Simul" self.short_name = "abl" self.classes.Oper.module_name = "abl.operators" self.classes.Oper.class_name = "OperatorsABL" self.classes.Output.module_name = "abl.output" self.classes.Output.class_name = "OutputABL" # Enable temperature section self.par_sections_disabled.remove("temperature")
[docs]class SimulABL(SimulKTH): """A solver which compiles and runs using a Snakefile.""" InfoSolver = InfoSolverABL @classmethod def _complete_params_with_default(cls, params): """Add missing default parameters.""" params = super()._complete_params_with_default(params) params._set_attribs({"u_geo": 1.0, "corio_freq": 0.0, "richardson": 0.0}) params._record_nek_user_params({"u_geo": 3, "corio_freq": 4, "richardson": 8}) params.nek.velocity._set_attribs({"advection": True, "density": 1.0}) # NOTE: old method to enable temperature section # params.nek.temperature._set_internal_attr("_enabled", True) params.nek._set_child( "wmles", dict( bc_temp_filt=False, bc_z_index=1, bc_z0=0.1, sgs_bc=False, sgs_c0=0.19, sgs_delta_max=False, sgs_npow=0.5, ), ) params.nek._set_child( "penalty", dict( enabled=False, # Enable penalty term nregion=0, # Number of penalty regions tiamp=0.0, # Time independent amplitude # tdamp=0.e+00, # Time dependent amplitude sposx01=0.0, # Starting point X sposy01=0.0, # Starting point Y sposz01=0.0, # Starting point Z eposx01=0.0, # Ending point X eposy01=0.0, # Ending point Y eposz01=0.0, # Ending point Z smthx01=0.0, # Smoothing length X smthy01=0.0, # Smoothing length Y smthz01=0.0, # Smoothing length Z # rota01=0.e+00, # Rotation angle # fdt01=0.e+00, # Time step for penalty sposx02=0.0, # Starting point X sposy02=0.0, # Starting point Y sposz02=0.0, # Starting point Z eposx02=0.0, # Ending point X eposy02=0.0, # Ending point Y eposz02=0.0, # Ending point Z smthx02=0.0, # Smoothing length X smthy02=0.0, # Smoothing length Y smthz02=0.0, # Smoothing length Z ), ) params.nek._set_child( "spongebx", dict( strength=0.0, # sponge strength width_lx=0.0, # sponge left section width; dimension X width_ly=0.0, # sponge left section width; dimension Y width_lz=0.0, # sponge left section width; dimension Z width_rx=0.0, # sponge right section width; dimension X width_ry=0.0, # sponge right section width; dimension Y width_rz=0.0, # sponge right section width; dimension Z drop_lx=0.0, # sponge left drop/rise section width; dimension X drop_ly=0.0, # sponge left drop/rise section width; dimension Y drop_lz=0.0, # sponge left drop/rise section width; dimension Z drop_rx=0.0, # sponge right drop/rise section width; dimension X drop_ry=0.0, # sponge right drop/rise section width; dimension Y drop_rz=0.0, # sponge right drop/rise section width; dimension Z ), ) params.nek.wmles._set_internal_attr("_enabled", True) return params
[docs] @classmethod def create_default_params(cls): """Set default values of parameters as given in reference implementation. """ params = super().create_default_params() params.output.phys_fields.reader = "pymech_stats_avg" # Synchronize baseline parameters as follows: # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # primary_par_file = OutputABL.get_root() / "abl.par" # if mpi.rank == 0: #"Reading baseline parameters from {primary_par_file}") # # params.nek._read_par(primary_par_file) return params
def __init__(self, params): super().__init__(params)
Simul = SimulABL