ABL case files
- group abl
Contains: user specified routines for the ABL case.
uservp() : variable properties
userf() : local acceleration term for fluid
userq() : local source term for scalars
userbc() : boundary conditions
useric() : initial conditions
userchk() : general purpose routine for checking errors etc.
userqtl() : thermal divergence for lowMach number flows
usrdat() : modify element vertices
usrdat2() : modify mesh coordinates
usrdat3() : general purpose routine for initialization
subroutine uservp(ix ix, iy iy, iz iz, ieg ieg)
Set variable properties, does not call any subroutines / functions.
- Todo:
Implement turbulent Prandtl number parameter
- param ix
- param iy
- param iz
- param ieg
element index
subroutine userf(ix ix, iy iy, iz iz, eg eg)
Compute Coriolis acceleration.
\[ F_x, F_z = - f\hat{e}_y \times \vec{u} \]See https://lists.mcs.anl.gov/pipermail/nek5000-users/2014-May/002798.htmlNote
The Coroiolis acceleration also absorbs the part of the pressure under hydrostatic balance, which in turn drives the flow. When it is turned off, usrdat3() drives the flow.
- param ix, iy, iz
[in] GLL point index
- param eg
[in] global element number
subroutine userbc(ix ix, iy iy, iz iz, iside iside, eg eg)
Compute the boundary condition. See subdirectory bc/.
it is OK to define both flux and temp here since only one would be used at the same time. See BCNEUSC(), BCDIRSC() and FACEIS()
subroutine userchk()
Compute the turbulent stress tensors and write statistics.
subroutine userqtl()
subroutine usrdat()
subroutine usrdat2()
subroutine usrdat3()
Compute inflow / outflow conditions a.k.a. driving force. Ubar=1 Not required when coriolis force is specified in userf.
Boundary conditions
- group bc_moeng
subroutine abl_userbc(ix ix, iy iy, iz iz, iside iside, eg eg)
Stress boundary condition as formulated by Moeng (1984) Also has optional temporal filtering c.f: Yang et al. Physical Review Fluids 2, no. 10 (2017): 104601.
Boundary condition evaluated at higher nodes, may need to be corrected for Ekmann turning
This subroutine MAY NOT be called by every process
- real function friction_vel(uh uh, kappa kappa, delta_z delta_z, z0 z0, Psi_M Psi_M)
Compute friction velocity.
- real function thermal_flux(u_star u_star, kappa kappa, T_surf T_surf, T T, delta_z delta_z, z_os z_os, Psi_H Psi_H)
Complute thermal flux.
- See
Eq. 14 in Gadde et al. (2020) doi:10.1007/s10546-020-00570-5
- real function thermal_flux_fixed(x x)
Set thermal flux which varies along x, but is constant in time.
- real function temp_strat(t_surf t_surf, y y, half_ymax half_ymax)
Set temperature dirichlet boundary conditions at bottom and top boundaries.
- real function abl_pen_k(y_coord y_coord, z0 z0)
Compute the K term in penalty forcing.
- param y_coord
mesh coordinate where the coefficient is evaluated
- param z0
roughness length
subroutine abl_userbc(ix ix, iy iy, iz iz, iside iside, eg eg)
- group bc_channel
Variant of Moeng boundary condition which also allows to have a wall function at the top boundary.
subroutine abl_userbc(ix ix, iy iy, iz iz, iside iside, eg eg)
Stress boundary condition as formulated by Moeng (1984) Also has optional temporal filtering c.f: Yang et al. Physical Review Fluids 2, no. 10 (2017): 104601. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevFluids.2.104601.
Boundary condition evaluated at higher nodes, may need to be corrected for Ekmann turning
This subroutine MAY NOT be called by every process
- real function abl_pen_k(y_coord y_coord, z0 z0)
Compute the K term in penalty forcing.
- param y_coord
mesh coordinate where the coefficient is evaluated
- param z0
roughness length
subroutine abl_userbc(ix ix, iy iy, iz iz, iside iside, eg eg)
- group bc_noslip
subroutine abl_userbc(ix ix, iy iy, iz iz, iside iside, eg eg)
No slip and no penetration condition.
- real function abl_pen_k(y_coord y_coord, z0 z0)
Compute the K term in penalty forcing.
Be careful in specifying the penalty region, should be away from the wall
- param y_coord
mesh coordinate where the coefficient is evaluated
- param z0
roughness length
subroutine abl_userbc(ix ix, iy iy, iz iz, iside iside, eg eg)
- group penalty_mini
A BC which appears as a/forcing”: the mini version.
subroutine pen_update()
Update penalty.
subroutine pen_forcing(ix ix, iy iy, iz iz, ieg ieg)
Compute penalty forcing.
- Todo:
add ffy component and rotation
- param ffx, ffy, ffz
[inout] forcing; x,y,z component
- param ix, iy, iz
[in] GLL point index
- param ieg
[in] global element number
subroutine pen_fmask_get()
Get 1D projection, array mapping and forcing smoothing.
This routine is just a simple version supporting only lines paralles to z axis. In future it can be generalised. The subroutine initializes pen_prj, pen_map and pen_npoint
- See
Schlatter and Örlü, “Turbulent Boundary Layers at Moderate Reynolds Numbers.” pg. 12
- Remark
This routine uses global scratch space CTMP0 and CTMP1
subroutine pen_fterms_get(ifreset ifreset)
Generate forcing terms: pen_k_len and pen_fstab.
This used to also initializes the pen_famp array. This was to allow for spatio-temporally varying forcing, which has been removed in this version.
- param ifreset
[in] reset flag to reinitialize geometry term pen_k_len
subroutine pen_register()
Register penalty module.
This routine should be called in frame_usr_register
subroutine pen_init()
Initilise penalty module.
This routine should be called in frame_usr_init
- logical function pen_is_initialised()
Check if module was initialised.
- return
subroutine local_cart_dy(us us, u u, N N, e e, Dt Dt)
Assuming the mesh is cartesian, compute exact y-derivative for an element, by operating.
\[ \mathbf{u} D^T \]- param us
- param u, N, e, Dt
subroutine pen_update()