rprm.f File Reference

Set of subroutines related to module's runtime parameters. More...


subroutine rprm_register
 Register runtime parameters database. More...
subroutine rprm_init
 Initialise modules runtime parameters and write summary. More...
logical function rprm_is_initialised ()
 Check if module was initialised. More...
subroutine rprm_sec_reg (rpid, mid, pname, pdscr)
 Register new parameter section. More...
subroutine rprm_sec_is_name_reg (rpid, mid, pname)
 Check if section name is registered and return its id. Check mid as well. More...
logical function rprm_sec_is_id_reg (rpid)
 Check if section id is registered. This operation is performed locally. More...
subroutine rprm_sec_get_info (pname, mid, ifact, rpid)
 Get section info based on its id. This operation is performed locally. More...
subroutine rprm_sec_set_act (ifact, rpid)
 Set section's activation flag. Master value is broadcasted. More...
logical function rprm_sec_is_id_act (rpid)
 Check if section id is registered and activated. This operation is performed locally. More...
subroutine rprm_rp_reg (rpid, mid, pname, pdscr, ptype, ipval, rpval, lpval, cpval)
 Register new runtime parameter. More...
subroutine rprm_rp_is_name_reg (rpid, mid, pname, ptype)
 Check if parameter name is registered and return its id. Check flags as well. More...
logical function rprm_rp_is_id_reg (rpid, ptype)
 Check if parameter id is registered and check type consistency. This operation is performed locally. More...
subroutine rprm_rp_get_info (pname, mid, ptype, rpid)
 Get parameter info based on its id. This operation is performed locally. More...
subroutine rprm_rp_set (rpid, ptype, ipval, rpval, lpval, cpval)
 Set runtime parameter of active section. Master value is broadcasted. More...
subroutine rprm_rp_get (ipval, rpval, lpval, cpval, rpid, ptype)
 Get runtime parameter form active section. This operation is performed locally. More...
subroutine rprm_dict_get ()
 Get runtime parameter from nek parser dictionary. More...
subroutine rprm_rp_summary_print (unit)
 Print out summary of registered runtime parameters (active sections only) More...
subroutine rprm_check (mod_nkeys, mod_dictkey, mod_n3dkeys, mod_l3dkey, ifsec)
 Check consistency of module's runtime parameters. More...

Detailed Description

Set of subroutines related to module's runtime parameters.

Adam Peplinski
Feb 5, 2017