"""Miscellaneous utilities
import os
import sys
from datetime import datetime
from functools import reduce
from pathlib import Path
from tarfile import TarFile
from zipfile import ZipFile
from fluiddyn import util
from ..log import logger
[docs]def timestamp(path):
"""Modification date of a file or directory as a timestamp.
:returns str:
return isoformat(util.modification_date(path))
[docs]def modification_date(path):
"""Modification date of a file or directory. Returns empty string if does
not exist.
if os.path.exists(path):
t = os.path.getmtime(path)
return isoformat(datetime.fromtimestamp(t))
return ""
[docs]def now():
"""The current timestamp.
:returns str:
return isoformat(datetime.now())
[docs]def zip_info(filename):
"""Contents of a zip file."""
with ZipFile(filename) as file:
# Print all contents
[docs]def tar_info(filename):
"""Contents of a tar file."""
with TarFile(filename) as file:
# Print all contents
[docs]def scantree(path):
"""Recursively yield DirEntry objects for given directory.
Courtesy: https://stackoverflow.com/a/33135143
:returns generator: A generator for ``DirEntry`` objects.
for entry in os.scandir(path):
if entry.is_dir(follow_symlinks=False):
yield from scantree(entry.path)
yield entry
[docs]def last_modified(path):
"""Find the last modified file in a directory tree.
:returns DirEntry:
return reduce(
lambda x, y: x if x.stat().st_mtime > y.stat().st_mtime else y, scantree(path),
[docs]def activate_paths():
"""Setup environment variables in preparation for Nek5000 build."""
here = Path(__file__).parent
if not os.getenv("SOURCE_ROOT"):
os.environ["SOURCE_ROOT"] = source_root = str(
(here / "../../../lib/Nek5000").absolute()
env_path = str(os.getenv("PATH"))
if source_root not in env_path:
os.environ["PATH"] = path = ":".join((source_root, env_path))
return source_root, path
[docs]def init_params(Class, isolated_unit=False):
"""Instantiate an isolated ``params`` for a specific class."""
if hasattr(Class, "create_default_params") and not isolated_unit:
params = Class.create_default_params()
from ..params import Parameters
params = Parameters(tag="params")
return params
[docs]def docstring_params(Class, sections=False, indent_len=4):
"""Creates a parameter instance and generate formatted docs for it. The
docs are defined by the ``params.<child>._set_doc`` method. Done only when
``sphinx`` is already imported.
if "sphinx" in sys.modules:
params = init_params(Class, isolated_unit=True)
doc = params._get_formatted_docs()
doc = ""
if not sections:
lines = []
indent = " " * indent_len
prev_line = ""
for line in doc.splitlines():
if line.startswith("Documentation for"):
elif "Documentation for" in prev_line and any(
line.startswith(underline) for underline in ("====", "----", "~~~~")
lines.append(indent + line)
prev_line = line
doc = "\n".join((lines))
return doc
[docs]def get_status(path):
"""Get status of a simulation run by verifying its contents.
:returns tuple(int, str): status code and message
locks_dir = path / ".snakemake" / "locks"
contents = os.listdir(path)
if not locks_dir.exists():
return (
f"Too Early: Seems like snakemake was never executed: {path}",
locks = tuple(locks_dir.iterdir())
if locks:
return (
f"Locked: The path is currently locked by snakemake: {path}",
if not {"SIZE", "SESSION.NAME", "nek5000"}.issubset(contents):
return (
"Not Found: SIZE and/or nek5000 and/or SESSION.NAME files are missing: "
f"{path}: Contents: {contents}"
if not tuple(path.glob("rs6*")):
return (404, f"Not Found: No restart files found: {path}")
return (200, f"OK: All prerequisities satisfied to restart: {path}")
[docs]def prepare_for_restart(path, chkp_fnumber=1, verify_contents=True):
"""Takes a directory in which a simulation was executed.
* If verify contents:
- check if snakemake was ever executed or check if directory is locked by snakemake
- ensures simulation files exist
- ensures restart files exist
* Reads params.xml if it exists, and if not falls back to abl.par. Hardcoded!
* Modifies checkpoint parameters with appropriate ``chkp_fnumber`` to
restart from KTH framework.
contents = os.listdir(path)
path = Path(path)
if verify_contents:
status, msg = get_status(path)
if status >= 400:
raise IOError(f"{status}: {msg}")
logger.info(f"{status}: {msg}")
# FIXME: make this generic for all possible solvers
# Trying to read the par file
assert path.absolute().name.startswith("abl"), "Cannot detect simulation class"
from eturb.solvers.abl import Simul
if "params.xml" in contents:
params = Simul.load_params_from_file(path_xml=(path / "params.xml"))
logger.warning("No params.xml found... Attempting to read abl.par")
params = Simul.create_default_params()
params.nek._read_par(path / "abl.par")
params.nek.chkpoint.chkp_fnumber = chkp_fnumber
params.nek.chkpoint.read_chkpt = True
return params