Boundary condition


The following describes the flow of logic in setting the boundary conditions.

In drive1.f:

  • nek_advance(): single timestep if Pn/Pn-2

    • igeom=1: RHS terms

    • igeom=2: Actual

    • call heat

    • call fluid -> drive2.f

  • fluid():

    • iftran=1,ifrich=0 -> plan3() in planx.f

  • plan3(): Helmholtz operator split into two steps igeom=1,2

    • makef() : extrapolate pressure, solve for intermadiate velocity

    • solve for update of pressure, velocity divergence free. Only approximate operator is used here, because the exact one requires Helmholtz operator.

    • Block LU decomposition -> Consistent Helmholtz operator

    • Boundary condition is not required for the second step. Preconditioner.

    • See Blair Perot (1993)

Also if igeom=2:

  • sethlm: h1=diffusion h2=helmholtz operator

  • cresvif() compute residual:

    • lagvel, save velocity field

    • bcdirvc: boundary dirichlet velocity, bcneutr: boundary neutral -> bdry.f

    • opgradt: extrapolate pressire in time

    • add residual

  • ophinv, opadd2: inverse helmholtz

  • incomprn():

    • Project velocity

    • opgradt: pressure

    • opbinv -> navier1:

      • bdry?

      • opmask: set 0 to dirichlet BC, masked from the update

Boundary conditions

Periodicity: node numbering


  • CB = V (Constant Dirichlet in rea file)

  • CB = v (user provided Dirichlet in userbc):

    • FACEIV: works on temporary arrays tmp1, tmpr3

      • facind: face index

      • facev -> userbc

      • opdsop: max min, to get consistent bc shared nodes

      • if not stress forulation ifstrs:

        • add2 -> Velocity + Tmp

bcneutr: Neumann transient?

No mask

  • chkcbc: alignment check

  • SYM <- called bcmask <->= nek_init modifies the masking for one component

  • Also by sethmsk

  • b1mask, b2mask, b3mask arrays:

  • FEM trick, if you don’t anything: Natural BC. Normal stresses are 0, BC is the fluxes on the last element.


  • sh: faceiv -> sets traction array TRX, TRY, TRZ -> as acceleration

  • faccvs -> multiplies by the surface area -> force

  • globrot, does rotation with respect to global coordinates

  • added to RHS: bfx, bfy -> acceleration

Velocity should be v=0

Caution: Pressure preconditioner BC are related

To Do

Set velocity v=0, normal component of velocity is zero, opposite of on boundary condition.


Time-stepping algebra

Mass matrix requires time levels (n, n-1, n-2): extrapolated Conv / Stiffness requires time levels (n-1, n-2): explicit

Comparison with Adams-Bashforth

AB2: needs previous RHS BDF: needs previous LHS

Why not: Runge-Kutta?

According to mathematicians, it is not clear because you have a pressure correction in each sub-step.

CFL number

BDF3/EXT3: CFL=0.6. Characteristic emthod