The Nek5000 core library | |
Utilities for postprocessing and computing derived variables | |
The user-file template | |
The ABL case user-file | Contains: user specified routines for the ABL case |
KTH Framework: user-file subroutines | Register user specified modules |
KTH Toolbox: chkpoint | |
KTH Toolbox: chkpoint_mstep | |
KTH Toolbox: io_tools | |
KTH Toolbox: math | |
KTH Toolbox: monitor | |
KTH Toolbox: runparam | |
KTH Toolbox: stat | |
Channel flow boundary condition | Variant of Moeng boundary condition which also allows to have a wall function at the top boundary |
Moeng boundary condition | |
No-slip Dirichlet boundary condition | |
Penalty "boundary conditions" | A BC which appears as a/forcing": the mini version |